Terjemahan Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
Di dalam literatur penerjamahan, ada beberapa ragam terjemahan yang pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Ragam-ragam tersebut ada yang digolongkan menurut jenis sistem tanda yang terlibat, jenis naskah yang diterjemahkan, dan juga menurut proses penerjemahan serta penekanannya.
Roman Jakobson (1959:234) membedakan terjemahan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu terjemahan intrabahasa, terjemahan antarbahasa, dan nterjemahan intersemiotik.
Yang dimaksud terjemahan intrabahasa adalah pengubahan suatu teks menjadi teks lain berdasarkan interpretasi penerjemah. Dan kedua teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bila kita menuliskan kembali puisi Chairil Anwar, Aku, ke dalam bentuk prosa di dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kita melakukan penerjemahan intrabahasa.
Jenis terjemahan kedua adalah terjemahan antarbahasa. Terjemahan jenis ini adalah terjemahan dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dalam jenis ini, penerjemah menuliskan kembali makna ayau gagasan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran.
Yang terakhir adalah jenis terjemaan intersemiotik. Jenis ini mencakup penafsiran sebuah teks ke dalam bentuk atau system tanda yang lain. Sebagai contoh, penafsiran novel menjadi sebuah karya film.
Intralanguage, intralanguage, intrasemiotic translation
In literature translation, there are several variant of translation that advanced with the experts. The varieties that consist with mark system, the text that translated and according with the process of translating and also stressing.
Roman Jakobson (1959:234) differentiate translation into three, that is intralanguage translation,
Lia Nur Islami/14611093
untuk tugas :D
Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015
penerjemahan berbantu komputer 2
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Minggu, 29 Maret 2015
penerjemahan berbantu komputer
Destinations to visit just beyond New York City
Just an hour from the Big Apple you'll find picture-perfect towns, pretty landscapes and historic monuments. The shopping, the shows, the perfectly manicured parks, the coffee shops and restaurants that stay open thrillingly late are what define New York. That said, it’s not called the city that never sleeps for nothing, and sometimes all that hubbub – from the taxis that view pedestrians as a minor inconvenience to the neon onslaught of Times Square – can be overwhelming.
So for a little calm, we went upstate to the Hudson Valley, which stretches from Manhattan’s West Side to the state capital at Albany and beyond. Crossing the George Washington Bridge (the view from here is amazing) we veered briefly into New Jersey, heading north, past the suburbs of Westchester, the West Point military academy and scattered locales with names recalling early Dutch settlers. One of the earliest areas to be settled by Europeans in the 17th century, the Hudson Valley stood at the forefront of American trade and the advance westward. Today it’s known as an area of genuine natural splendour; dense forest with looming mountains and clear water below.
Just an hour from Manhattan by car or train (the Metro North from Grand Central station follows this route) was the tiny riverside town of Cold Spring, immortalised by 19th Century landscape painters from the Hudson River School, and as picture perfect a pastoral scene as those canvases make out. The town is all clapboard houses and coffee shops and antiques stores in which to while away the time. Hardly a hub of activity, but an ideal spot to take in the gorgeous landscape, which includes the Catskill Mountains – of Dirty Dancing fame – across the water. This part of the Hudson is ideal for cyclists, hikers, watersports lovers and wildlife-spotters especially at Bear Mountain State Park. We headed further upstate, towards Hyde Park, a place, it transpired, on a par with its namesake in London.
Source: http://www.thetravelmagazine.net/destinations-beyond-new-york-city.html
Tempat tujuan saat mengunjungi indahnya Kota New York
Hanya satu jam dari Big Apple kamu akan menemukan gambaran kota-kota yang menakjubkan, pemandangan yang indah, dan monumen-monumen bersejarah. Pusat perbelanjaan, tempat pertunjukan, taman yang terawat, kedai kopi, dan restoran yang tetap buka sampai larut malam adalah apa yang mendefinisikan Kota New York. Konon, kota itu disebut kota yang tidak pernah tidur, dan terkadang semua keriuhan itu—dari banyaknya taksi yang melihat pejalan kaki sebagai ketidaknyamanan kecil dari lampu yang menyinari Times Square—dapat menjadi luar biasa.
Menuju ke suasana yang sedikit tenang, kita pergi ke bagian utara Hudson Valley, yang membentang dari Manhattan’s West Side ke ibukota negara di Albany dan sekitarnya. Menyeberangi Jembatan George Washington (pemandangan dari sini sangat menakjubkan) kami berbelok ke New Jersey, menuju utara, melewati pinggiran Westchester, akademi militer West Point dan daerah-daerah yang tersebar dengan nama-nama untuk mengenang hunian pertama kali para imigran Belanda. Salah satu daerah yang pertama kali didiami oleh orang-orang Eropa pada abad ke-17, Hudson Valley merupakan pusat perdagangan Amerika dan kemajuan Amerika sebelah barat. Saat ini tempat itu dikenal sebagai daerah yang memiliki keindahan alam sesungguhnya; hutan lebat dengan gunung-gunung yang menjulang tinggi dan air bersih di bawahnya.
Hanya satu jam dari Manhattan, dapat dijangkau dengan mobil atau kereta api (kereta Metro North dari stasiun Grand Central mengikuti rute ini) adalah kota kecil tepi sungai Cold Spring, diabadikan oleh para pelukis pemandangan alam di abad ke-19 yang berasal dari Hudson River School, dan sebagai gambaran sempurna dari pemandangan kehidupan desa yang dibuat di atas kanvas. Di kota ini kita dapat mengisi waktu dengan mengunjungi rumah papan, kedai kopi dan toko barang-barang antik. Walaupun tempat ini menjadi pusat kegiatan, namun tempat ini tetap menjadi tempat yang ideal untuk mengambil gambar pemandangan yang sangat indah, yang mana termasuk pemandangan di Pegunungan Catskill—Dirty Dancing yang sangat terkenal—di atas air. Daerah bagian Hudson ini sangat cocok untuk pengendara sepeda, pendaki gunung, pecinta olahraga air dan para pemburu satwa liar terutama di Bear Mountain State Park. Selanjutnya kita menuju ke bagian utara, menuju Taman Hyde, sebuah tempat, yang namanya seperti nama tempat di London.
Just an hour from the Big Apple you'll find picture-perfect towns, pretty landscapes and historic monuments. The shopping, the shows, the perfectly manicured parks, the coffee shops and restaurants that stay open thrillingly late are what define New York. That said, it’s not called the city that never sleeps for nothing, and sometimes all that hubbub – from the taxis that view pedestrians as a minor inconvenience to the neon onslaught of Times Square – can be overwhelming.
So for a little calm, we went upstate to the Hudson Valley, which stretches from Manhattan’s West Side to the state capital at Albany and beyond. Crossing the George Washington Bridge (the view from here is amazing) we veered briefly into New Jersey, heading north, past the suburbs of Westchester, the West Point military academy and scattered locales with names recalling early Dutch settlers. One of the earliest areas to be settled by Europeans in the 17th century, the Hudson Valley stood at the forefront of American trade and the advance westward. Today it’s known as an area of genuine natural splendour; dense forest with looming mountains and clear water below.
Just an hour from Manhattan by car or train (the Metro North from Grand Central station follows this route) was the tiny riverside town of Cold Spring, immortalised by 19th Century landscape painters from the Hudson River School, and as picture perfect a pastoral scene as those canvases make out. The town is all clapboard houses and coffee shops and antiques stores in which to while away the time. Hardly a hub of activity, but an ideal spot to take in the gorgeous landscape, which includes the Catskill Mountains – of Dirty Dancing fame – across the water. This part of the Hudson is ideal for cyclists, hikers, watersports lovers and wildlife-spotters especially at Bear Mountain State Park. We headed further upstate, towards Hyde Park, a place, it transpired, on a par with its namesake in London.
Source: http://www.thetravelmagazine.net/destinations-beyond-new-york-city.html
Tempat tujuan saat mengunjungi indahnya Kota New York
Hanya satu jam dari Big Apple kamu akan menemukan gambaran kota-kota yang menakjubkan, pemandangan yang indah, dan monumen-monumen bersejarah. Pusat perbelanjaan, tempat pertunjukan, taman yang terawat, kedai kopi, dan restoran yang tetap buka sampai larut malam adalah apa yang mendefinisikan Kota New York. Konon, kota itu disebut kota yang tidak pernah tidur, dan terkadang semua keriuhan itu—dari banyaknya taksi yang melihat pejalan kaki sebagai ketidaknyamanan kecil dari lampu yang menyinari Times Square—dapat menjadi luar biasa.
Menuju ke suasana yang sedikit tenang, kita pergi ke bagian utara Hudson Valley, yang membentang dari Manhattan’s West Side ke ibukota negara di Albany dan sekitarnya. Menyeberangi Jembatan George Washington (pemandangan dari sini sangat menakjubkan) kami berbelok ke New Jersey, menuju utara, melewati pinggiran Westchester, akademi militer West Point dan daerah-daerah yang tersebar dengan nama-nama untuk mengenang hunian pertama kali para imigran Belanda. Salah satu daerah yang pertama kali didiami oleh orang-orang Eropa pada abad ke-17, Hudson Valley merupakan pusat perdagangan Amerika dan kemajuan Amerika sebelah barat. Saat ini tempat itu dikenal sebagai daerah yang memiliki keindahan alam sesungguhnya; hutan lebat dengan gunung-gunung yang menjulang tinggi dan air bersih di bawahnya.
Hanya satu jam dari Manhattan, dapat dijangkau dengan mobil atau kereta api (kereta Metro North dari stasiun Grand Central mengikuti rute ini) adalah kota kecil tepi sungai Cold Spring, diabadikan oleh para pelukis pemandangan alam di abad ke-19 yang berasal dari Hudson River School, dan sebagai gambaran sempurna dari pemandangan kehidupan desa yang dibuat di atas kanvas. Di kota ini kita dapat mengisi waktu dengan mengunjungi rumah papan, kedai kopi dan toko barang-barang antik. Walaupun tempat ini menjadi pusat kegiatan, namun tempat ini tetap menjadi tempat yang ideal untuk mengambil gambar pemandangan yang sangat indah, yang mana termasuk pemandangan di Pegunungan Catskill—Dirty Dancing yang sangat terkenal—di atas air. Daerah bagian Hudson ini sangat cocok untuk pengendara sepeda, pendaki gunung, pecinta olahraga air dan para pemburu satwa liar terutama di Bear Mountain State Park. Selanjutnya kita menuju ke bagian utara, menuju Taman Hyde, sebuah tempat, yang namanya seperti nama tempat di London.
Senin, 01 Desember 2014
-Ing Form
China's manufacturing growth slows
1 December 2014 09:36
China's factory activity slows further in November from the
previous month
China's factory activity slowed by more than expected in
November, highlighting how a cooling economy is impacting its vast
manufacturing sector.
The official purchasing managers' index (PMI) dipped to 50.3
in November from October's 50.8, closer to the 50 point mark that separates
growth from contraction.
It was below the 50.6 level expected by economists.
Rising costs and falling demand were blamed for the downturn
in activity.
Meanwhile, a private survey from from HSBC showed that
growth in Chinese factories in November stalled as output shrank for the first
time in six months.
The final HSBC/Markit manufacturing PMI slipped to a
six-month low of 50 in November, down from 50.4 in October. The reading was
unchanged from a preliminary "flash" finding released earlier this
Output fell to 49.6, which was the worst reading since May.
"Muted growth in new work," led companies to hold
back production, HSBC/Markit said.
Boost needed
Growth in the world's second largest economy fell to 7.3% in
the third quarter, which was the slowest pace since the global financial
The risk that China might miss its official growth target of
7.5% this year for the first time in 15 years is growing because economic data
is weaker than expected, economists said.
A struggling property market, uneven export growth and
cooling domestic demand and investment are some of the major factors weighing
on overall growth.
Alaistair Chan, economist at Moody's Analytics, said he had
expected the slowdown in manufacturing and was a "little more
pessimistic" than the market for two reasons.
"Firstly, there are signs the recent export boom is
fading. Meanwhile, the housing market and related sectors such as steel and
cement manufacturing, remains in a slump," Mr Chan said.
House prices fall
China's house prices fell on a monthly basis for the seventh
straight month in November, a survey showed on Sunday.
The average price of a new home in its 100 major cities was
down 0.38% from October, the independent China Index Academy said.
Earlier this month, the country's central bank unexpectedly
cut interest rates to 2.75% for first time since 2012 in an attempt to revive
the economy.
Mr Chan said Monday's data shows further evidence that
fourth quarter growth will be about the same as the third quarter with growth
"below China's potential" and the government's target.
"Monetary policy may need further action, possibly with
a reserve ratio cut or another interest rate cut, by year end," he said.
-ing is a suffix used to make one of the inflected forms of English verbs. This verb form is used as a present participle, as a gerund, and sometimes as an independent noun or adjective.The –ing form can be used like a noun, like an adjective or like a verb. It can also be part of a 'noun phrase'. As an adjective, the –ing form can be used before a noun, the –ing form is also used after prepositions. Here are the –Ing form from this article:
-ing is a suffix used to make one of the inflected forms of English verbs. This verb form is used as a present participle, as a gerund, and sometimes as an independent noun or adjective.The –ing form can be used like a noun, like an adjective or like a verb. It can also be part of a 'noun phrase'. As an adjective, the –ing form can be used before a noun, the –ing form is also used after prepositions. Here are the –Ing form from this article:
- as noun
- as adjective
- as verb
Senin, 27 Oktober 2014
The Analysis of Direct and Indirect Speech
First Article:
Jokowi Pins reform
hopes on economic team
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has appointed professionals
to strategic posts on his economic team, providing a breath of fresh air for
investors seeking the implementation of economic reforms in Indonesia amid
challenges faced by the global economy.
The economic team that will steer Southeast Asia’s largest economy in the next
five years comprises Coordinating Economic Minister Sofyan Djalil, Finance
Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman
Said, Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel and National Development Planning Board
(Bappenas) head Adrinof Chaniago.
Appointees who have raised eyebrows due to their political affiliations are
Industry Minister Saleh Husin, a businessman-cum-politician from the Hanura
Party, as well as State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno, a close aide
to Megawati Soekarnoputri, the chairwoman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of
Struggle (PDI-P), which backed Jokowi’s presidency.
Jokowi’s economic lineup, nonetheless, is still seen by analysts as superior to
the choices of his predecessor Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who picked politicians
for his strategic economic posts such as coordinating economic minister, as
well as energy and mineral resources minister.
Jokowi has inherited an economy in which growth, at 5.1 percent in the second
quarter, has slowed to its lowest level in four years, with limited fiscal
space to boost growth amid the prevailing global uncertainties.
“There are a few names that may be deemed less than ideal, but overall this is
a solid set of ministers,” said John D. Rachmat, an analyst with Mandiri
Sekuritas. “A good beginning. Much remains to be done, but we believe the stock
market will react positively to this solid start.”
Jokowi has said that economic growth of 7 percent is attainable, with
top-priority programs including reducing the budget-straining fuel subsidy and
being self-sufficient in staple foods such as sugar, corn, rice and wheat flour
within three to four years.
Bambang, who will lead the Finance Ministry, was known as an outspoken and
no-nonsense official during his time as deputy finance minister in the previous
administration. Acting as his deputy is Mardiasmo, formerly the chief of the
Development Finance Comptroller (BPKP).
Jokowi fulfilled his promise to appoint a professional to lead the graft-ridden
Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, which will be led by Sudirman Said, the
president director of state-owned weapons maker PT Pindad and a former expert
staffer at state-owned oil and gas firm PT Pertamina.
Sudirman was a person with integrity, excellent leadership skills and a clean
track record, said Brawijaya University economist Ahmad Erani Yustika, who
pointed to the new minister’s active role in the Indonesian Transparency
Society (MTI) in the past.
Meanwhile, the appointment of Rachmat as the trade minister won praise from
economists, though the same could not be said for Rini and Saleh who were
chosen as state-owned enterprises minister and industry minister, respectively.
Rachmat is a successful businessman known for his tough management style in
leading PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia.
“Rachmat Gobel meets the criteria [of a good minister] and he has a great deal
of experience in trade, such as in the creation of new markets,” argued Latif
Adam, an economist with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). “One of
our major trade challenges will be to diversify export products and
destinations, and I believe he can attain higher goals for trade.
However, Latif gave a low score for the industry minister post, which was
filled by politician Saleh, a businessman with a relatively unknown track
record, besides his rags-to-riches story of coming from Rote Island in East
Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to build a successful business empire in Jakarta.
“We have so many weaknesses in our industry and such a strategic post should
have been filled by a more capable figure,” Latif said. Without the support of
the industrial sector, the downstream sector might not accelerate as fast as
expected, he added.
Second article:
Second article:
Russian Soldiers Reveal the Truth Behind Putin's
Secret War
Nobody asked the
servicemen to sign any additional papers, though current contracts did not
stipulate deployment to a foreign state. “I never volunteered for this; but any
attempts to quit would be useless – they are sending us back to the meat
grinder tomorrow; if somebody told me earlier about the truth, none of us would
have signed up for $1,000 a month to get fried alive in Ukraine,” says the
officer in his thirties, who requested his identity be concealed.
Who was Russia’s main
enemy? She said: “America.” In a few days on the front lines under constant
fire, the Kostroma paratrooper “dried up down to the bones”, not from the lack
of food but from the constant fear of death, he said, that he had never
experienced before.
Earlier that day, his
regiment was brought back to the base in Rostov region, to wash in the banya,
or Russian steam bath, and have one night of solid sleep. The soldiers had
their first chance for a break from battle, for a quick chat with families
since they crossed the Ukrainian border on August 18th. So as not to be
identified as Russian regular forces, commanders ordered the paratroopers to
change into the Western military surplus desert camouflage their wives had to
buy for them, with their own money.
The use of misleading
uniforms to sneak into foreign territory for a secret operation does not
surprise Russian military experts. One Moscow-based army analyst recalled the
earlier “masquerades” or false flag operations under Soviet military doctrine,
sending Soviet and Russian commandos dressed as locals in Afghanistan and in
Chechnya: “Our forces conducted secret operations in the Middle East and in
Africa this way. Putin’s strategy is not unique,” the analyst said who declined
to be named.
While the Russian
leaders stuck to their denials, mobile phone chats and social media forums fill
up with images of the country's artillery and “Grad rocket” launchers rolling
across Ukrainian border. Russian internet users across the country watched
videos of army mothers and wives covering their wet-with-tears faces with both
hands, begging Putin to free their loved ones “in God’s name”, as well as video
interviews with soldiers captured by Ukrainian forces.
Early each morning,
paratroopers’ wives crowded on Nikitskaya Street outside the Airborne Division,
waiting to hear more official explanations about their husbands “participating
in military drills in Rostov”.
The women spoke to
their husbands on the phone and knew the truth. “My boy asked me to go to
church and light candles for his survival, as they were herded back to
Ukraine,” one of the terrified wives, Veronika Tsiruyeva, says.
The invasion of Ukraine
has been happening in slow motion since spring. On the afternoon of April 16th,
professional-looking militia in green uniforms surrounded the perimeter of the
administration building on the Square of October Revolution in Slaviansk, a
city in eastern Ukraine. http://www.newsweek.com/2014/09/19/russian-soldiers-reveal-truth-behind-putins-secret-war-269227.html
a) Direct speech:
In the first article; in the Last Paragraph:
“We have so many weaknesses in our industry and such
a strategic post should have been filled by a more capable figure,” Latif said.
Indirect speech:
Latif said that they had so many weaknesses in our
industry and such a strategic post should had been filled by a more capable figure
Because the reporting verb is in the past tense, we
have to change the tense which is used in the direct speech. The two statements
in the direct speech above use simple present perfect tense. Hence, in the
indirect speech, we have to change the simple present tense into the simple
past tense. In this case, we have to change we had so many into they had
so many and also should have been filled into should had been filled.
b) Direct speech:
In the second article: “My boy asked me to go to
church and light candles for his survival, as they were herded back to
Ukraine,” one of the terrified wives, Veronika Tsiruyeva, says.
Indirect speech:
Veronika Tsiruyeva one of the terrified wives says
that her boy asked her to go to church and light candles for his survival, as
they were herded back to Ukraine.
The reporting verb in the direct speech above uses
simple present tense. It means that we do not need to change the tense which is
used in the indirect speech. The reported statement in the direct speech above
uses present perfect tense, so we still use the present perfect tense in the
indirect speech.
In the second article:
Who was Russia’s main enemy? She says
She wants to know who Russia’s main enemy was
is no change of tense when the reporting verb uses simple present tense (i.e. says). The direct question in the direct
speech uses simple past tense, so we still use the simple past tense in the
indirect speech. I use want to know to introduce the reported statement in the indirect speech,
so they become He wants to know (in the present tense). Then, when we convert a direct
question to an indirect one, the subject and verb have to be inverted. In this
case, ‘who was Russia’s main enemy?’ become
‘who Russia’s main enemy was’.
In the second article:
“Our forces conducted
secret operations in the Middle East and in Africa this way. Putin’s strategy
is not unique,” the analyst said who declined to be named.
Indirect speech:
The analyst asked our forces to conduct secret
operations in the Middle East and in Africa this way. Putin’s strategy is not
Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014
The Analysis of Active and Passive Voices
I. Active and Passive Voices
= Definition
= Definition
- Active voice is a feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action of the verb and the direct object is the goal or the recipient.
- Passive voice is a feature of sentences in which the object or goal of the action functions as the sentence subject and the main verb phrase includes the verb to be and the past participle.
II. Discussion
I try to find out and analyze the active and passive voices in an article from Jakarta Post newspaper which is entitled Land acquisition issue halts Trans-Sumatra toll road project. The analysis of active and passive voices will be discussed below:
Land acquisition issue halts Trans-Sumatra toll road project
Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto said on Monday that the long-awaited Trans-Sumatra toll road project would not begin this year as previously planned due to land acquisition problems. "The tender awaits the completion of land acquisition. Therefore, we will focus on acquiring the land needed to construct the toll road within the next two or three years and construction will begin after we settle the land acquisition," Djoko said at a media briefing on Monday.
The 2,700-kilometer toll road project, stretching from Aceh to Lampung and consisting of 23 sections, was previously planned to commence construction this year. The toll road will connect major cities in Sumatra.
The initial construction comprised four toll road sections, namely Medan-Binjai, Indralaya-Palembang, Pekanbaru-Dumai and Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar. In order to construct the toll road, the goverment needs to acquire 218,976 million square meters of land. The minister acknowledged that until now, the ministry had acquired only an "insignificant percentage of the land needed to construct the roads".
He did not mention the exact percentage.
"We estimate that the cost to acquire the land is Rp 15 trillion [US$1.3 billion]. after we acquire the land, we will protect it againts local residents willfully occupying it," said the ministry's director general for highways, Djoko Murajanto.
Besides being hindered by land acquisition problems, the ministry is also still waiting for the issuance of a presidential decree as a legal basis to construct the toll road. Construction will be carried out by state owned enterprises with funding from the state budget.
The draft decree prepared by the ministry states that should the appointed state owned enterprises be unable to finish the project, the tasks will be taken over by the ministry. Minister Djoko said the ministry had submitted the draft revision to the Cabinet secretary and hoped that the draft would be finalized soon.
He also said the appointment of state owned contractor company PT Hutama Karya had not been finalized. "What is certain is that state owned enterprises will work on the project," he said.
During the media briefing, Djoko said minister had built 4,401 km of roads over the past 10 years. Based on ministry data, the length of roads built by the ministry in 2004 reached around 34,000 km. The length increased to only 38,401 km in 2014.
Meanwhile, the total length of toll roads in the country reached only 918 km this year, increasing only 307 km from 2004, the minister added. "Even though the total length of roads has not increased significantly, we have widened and strengthened roads. The fact is that economic development outpaces road development. Therefore, the public still complains about traffic jams," the minister said, adding that road projects could be accelerated if land acquisition went smoothly.
Source: Jakarta Post, Page 13 / Business / Tuesday, March 25 2014
A. Active Voice
1. we will focus on acquiring
S aux O PP
Analysis: The sentence is active voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the active voice uses simple future tense
2. the government needs to acquire
Analysis: The sentence is active voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the active voice uses simple present tense
3. state owned enterprises will work on the project.
aux O PP
Analysis: The sentence is active voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the active voice uses simple future tense
4. the total length of roads has not increased significantly
S has/have V3 O
Analysis: The sentence is active voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the active voice uses present perfect tense.
5. the public still complains about traffic jams
Analysis: The sentence is active voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the active voice uses simple present tense.
B. Passive Voice
1. Besides being hindered by land acquisition problems
S be V3 PP
Analysis: The sentence is passive voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the passive voice uses simple present tense.
2. Construction will be carried out by state owned
S aux be V3 PP
Analysis: The sentence is passive voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the passive voice uses simple future tense in the "will" form.
3. The draft decree prepared by the ministry states
Analysis: The sentence is passive voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the passive voice uses simple past tense in the suffix "ed" form.
4. the tasks will be taken over by the ministry
S aux be V3 PP
Analysis: The sentence is passive voice. Based on the sentence pattern above, the passive voice uses simple future tense in the "will" form.
5. the length of roads built by the ministry
Analysis: The sentences is passive voice because built by the ministry can be said as an passive voice although there is no "be" before the verb built.
Kamis, 24 April 2014
Softskill - Education Group
Task 2_Softskill - Education Group
Name : Lia Nur Islami
NPM : 14611093
Class : 3SA04
Title : Students With Disabilities Meet Challenges in Online Courses
Siswa Penyandang Cacat Menghadapi Tantangan Kursus Online
In some ways, Shelesha Taylor is like many online students.
Dalam beberapa hal, Shelesha Taylor seperti banyak siswa online lainnya.
A single parent of two daughters, the 33-year-old is finishing her post-master's certificate in professional counseling Virginia Commonwealth University, a blended program where half of her classes are online.
Seorang single parent dari dua anak perempuan, yang berusia 33 tahun sedang menyelesaikan studinya pasca-master dalam bidang profesional konseling di Universitas Virginia Commonwealth, sebuah pencampuran dimana setengah dari kelas nya adalah kelas online.
But unlike her classmates, she has an extra challenge: The Virginia resident has a degenerative eye condition, which means she depends on a magnifying screen reader to access her online course materials.
Tapi tidak seperti teman-teman sekelasnya, dia memiliki tantangan ekstra: Penduduk Virginia memiliki kondisi mata degeneratif, yang berarti dia tergantung pada pembaca layar pembesar untuk mengakses materi kursus online-nya.
And often it doesn't work with the documents her professors provide.
Dan kadang itu tidak bekerja dengan data profesornya berikan.
Online education can seem like a promising alternative for students with physical and sensory disabilities, some of whom would struggle to navigate a physical campus.
Pendidikan online dapat tampak seperti alternatif yang menjanjikan bagi siswa dengan cacat fisik dan sensorik, beberapa di antaranya akan berjuang untuk diarahkan sebuah kampus fisik.
But even the most accessible online programs can still pose challenges for students like Taylor.
Bahkan program online yang paling mudah masih dapat menjadi tantangan bagi siswa seperti Taylor.
Since not all online programs are equal when it comes to their resources for students with disabilities, experts suggest students do their research before choosing a program and prepare to advocate for themselves once enrolled.
Karena tidak semua program online sama dalam hal sumber daya mereka untuk siswa penyandang cacat, para ahli menyarankan siswa melakukan penelitian sebelum memilih program dan mempersiapkan untuk melakukan advokasi untuk diri mereka sendiri setelah terdaftar.
[Succeed in college as a learning-disabled student.]
[Sukses belajar di perguruan tinggi sebagai mahasiswa cacat.]
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, online courses should be made accessible to students with disabilities, Lissner says.
Menurut Amerika dengan Disabilities Act, kursus online harus dapat diakses oleh siswa penyandang cacat, kata Lissner.
"Some places have let the drive to offer online instruction get ahead of thoughtful planning," says L. Scott Lissner, president of the Association on Higher Education And Disability. "I think there are a number of institutions that do it well – whether it is offering captioning or print access or helping the quadriplegic student – but there are enough places that are not doing it well."
"Beberapa tempat telah memberikan dorongan untuk menawarkan instruksi secara online mulai dari perencanaan bijaksana," kata L. Scott Lissner, presiden dari AsosiasiPendidikan Tinggi Dan Cacat. "Saya rasa ada sejumlah lembaga yang melakukannya dengan baik - apakah itu menawarkan pemberian tulisan atau akses cetak atau membantu siswa penyandang tunadaksa - tetapi ada beberapa tempat yang tidak melakukannya dengan baik."
But since the ADA has not provided any specific accommodation standards, it's up to each school to decide to what extent it will serve its students with disabilities..
Tapi karena ADA belum memberikan standar akomodasi tertentu, tergantung masing-masing sekolah untuk memutuskan sampai sejauh mana akan melayani siswa penyandang cacat.
In a perfect world, online courses should be created using the concept of universal design – the idea that all course material should be accessible in different ways, be it through audio or video or text, says Vickie S. Cook, director of the Center for Online Learning, Research and Service at University of Illinois—Springfield
Dalam dunia yang sempurna, kursus online harus dibuat dengan menggunakan konsep desain universal - gagasan bahwa semua materi kursus harus dapat diakses dengan cara yang berbeda, baik melalui audio atau video atau teks, kata Vickie S. Cook, direktur pusat untuk Belajar Online, Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada University of Illinois-Springfield
While some of the more popular, commercial systems, such as Moodle, Blackboard and Desire2Learn, are built in a way that makes them accessible, some of the platforms designed by schools are more limited..
Sementara beberapa yang lebih populer, sistem komersial, seperti Moodle, Blackboard dan Desire2Learn, dibangun dengan cara yang membuat mereka mudah mengakses, beberapa platform yang dirancang oleh sekolah lebih terbatas.
Once students with disabilities are accepted into an online program, they should prepare to be direct and open about what they need to succeed, experts say
Setelah siswa penyandang cacat diterima ke dalam program online, mereka harus mempersiapkan diri untuk menjadi secara langsung dan terbuka soal apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk berhasil, kata para ahli
[Negotiate grad school as a student with disabilities.]
[Negosiasi sekolah pascasarjana sebagai mahasiswa penyandang cacat.]
Even if a school uses a learning management system that is completely accessible to students with vision, hearing or other impairments, the odds are that at some point some students will hit a snag, says Lissner of the Association on Higher Education And Disability, who also works at Ohio State University
Bahkan jika sekolah menggunakan sistemmanajemen pembelajaran yang benar-benardapat diakses oleh siswa dengan penglihatan, pendengaran atau gangguan lain, kemungkinan besar bahwa pada suatu saat beberapa siswaakan mencapai sebuah halangan, kata LissnerAsosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Dan Cacat, yang juga bekerja di Universitas Ohio.
Name : Meta Puspita Sari
NPM : 14611442
Class : 3 Sa 04
Title : Education in Indonesia
Source :
http://www.globalindonesianvoices.com/11206/indonesia-the-road-to-quality-education/ Retrieved on April 10th, 2014.
Pendidikan di Indonesia
Education is undeniably one of the most crucial pillars in building a strong base for the country’s economy.
Pendidikan tak dapat diragukan lagi merupakan salah satu pilar paling penting dalam membangun dasar yang kuat untuk perekonomian negara.
With the provision of more educated people, the country is able to utilize the skilled resources and a larger human capital to reap benefits in the long-run.
Dengan bekal masyarakat yang lebih terdidik, negara ini mampu memanfaatkan sumber daya yang terampil dan modal manusia yang lebih besar untuk meraup keuntungan dalam jangka panjang.
In compliance to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set for 2015, Indonesia has been striving to improve the quality of and access to education.
Sesuai dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (MDGs) yang ditetapkan untuk tahun 2015, Indonesia telah berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan akses pendidikan.
With this goal, it was aimed to develop a stronger foundation for the society and effectively emerge out of the Asian financial crisis aftermath that has adversely affected the education quality in the country.
Berdasar tujuan tersebut, hal ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan fondasi yang lebih kuat bagi masyarakat dan secara efektif keluar dari krisis keuangan Asia yang telah berdampak buruk terhadap kualitas pendidikan di negeri ini.
The importance that a government place on a certain sector, like education, can be predicted from the budget it allocates to.
Pentingnya sarana pemerintah pada sektor tertentu, misalnya pendidikan, dapat diprediksi dari anggaran yang dialokasikan.
The budget for education in Indonesia was 345.3 trillion rupiah in 2013 (32.8 billion US dollars), and it will be 371.2 trillion rupiah ($35.7 billion US dollars) in 2014, an increase of 7.5 percent.
Anggaran pendidikan di Indonesia adalah 345.3 triliun rupiah pada tahun 2013 (32.8 milyar dolar Amerika), dan akan menjadi 371.2 triliun rupiah (35.7 milyar dolar Amerika) pada tahun 2014, meningkat sebanyak 7.5 persen.
Since 2008, owing to a constitutional amendment, the education budget has been increased to 20 percent of the total Indonesian budget, which has significantly enhanced the resources needed for a better education system.
Sejak tahun 2008, berkat amandemen konstitusi, anggaran pendidikan telah ditingkatkan menjadi 20 persen dari total anggaran Indonesia, yang secara signifikan telah meningkatkan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk sistem pendidikan yang lebih baik.
Along with higher budget allocated to education, the literacy rate of 92.8% as per the 2011 estimate depicts a positive picture of education in Indonesia.
Seiring dengan lebih besarnya anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk pendidikan, angka keaksaraan mencapai 92.8 % sesuai dengan perkiraan per tahun 2011 menggambarkan gambaran positif dari pendidikan di Indonesia.
The country has been appreciated for its dedicated efforts for improving the quality of education, however, educating more people remains a huge challenge for the government.
Negara ini telah dihargai atas dedikasinya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, namun, mendidik lebih banyak orang masih merupakan tantangan besar bagi pemerintah.
Indonesia has numerous challenges in its effort to improve the quality of education, within effectiveness and under-utilization being a major concern.
Indonesia memiliki banyak tantangan dalam usaha untuk mengembangkan kualitas pendidikan, dengan efektivitas dan pemanfaatan menjadi perhatian utama.
Indonesia has one of the lowest teacher-student ratios in the world and a considerable drop-outrate to cope with.
Indonesia merupakan satu dari yang terendah rasio guru-siswa di dunia dan besarnya tingkat yang putus sekolah.
In addition, the distribution of teachers in Indonesia is unequal.
Selain itu, distribusi guru di Indonesia tidak merata.
The utilization of the budget seems ineffective with most of the spending going into the teachers’ salaries instead of building more schools and providing financial assistance to students from low-income families.
Pemanfaatan anggaran tampaknya tidak efektif dengan sebagian besar pengeluaran masuk ke gaji guru bukan membangun lebih banyak sekolah dan memberikan bantuan keuangan kepada siswa dari keluarga berpenghasilan rendah.
There is also a dire need to enrich the skills and qualifications of existing teachers that can come from education and policy reforms so as to enhance the quality of education and improve student performance.
Ini merupakan kebutuhan mendesak untuk memperkaya keterampilan dan kualifikasi guru yang tersedia yang bisa datang dari pendidikan dan reformasi kebijakan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan meningkatkan kinerja siswa.
From 2015, only certified teachers are allowed to work. However, many were sceptical of this new measure as almost two-thirds of teachers failed the new teaching qualification and, as a nation, we still struggle to overcome the issue of teacher shortage.
Mulai tahun 2015, hanya guru bersetifikat yang diizinkan untuk bekerja. Namun, banyak yang merasa skeptis pada langkah baru ini karena hampir dua pertiga dari guru gagal dalam kualifikasi pengajaran baru dan, sebagai bangsa, kita masih berjuang untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan guru.
With schools located across the archipelago, it was difficult to manage a unified system and to implement new changes.
Karena sekolah terletak di seluruh nusantara, hal ini sulit untuk mengelola suatu sistem terpadu dan menerapkan perubahan baru.
Clearly, it is a complex situation that will need consistent effort, time and finance to reap concrete results and provide the country with the much needed skilled workforce it is planning to achieve as per goals set for 2030.
Dengan jelas, hal ini merupakan situasi yang kompleks yang akan membutuhkan upaya, waktu dan keuangan yang konsisten untuk menuai hasil nyata dan mempersiapkan negara dengan banyaknya dibutuhkan tenaga kerja terampil, negara ini sedang berencana untuk mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan pada tahun 2030.
Name : Mia Rusliana
NPM : 14611454
Class : 3 Sa 04
Title : Indonesian Teachers Need More Training
Source :
Indonesian Teachers Need More Training
Guru Indonesia Perlu Lebih Banyak Pelatihan
Teachers reveal that the real problem in Indonesian education is the poor quality of the country’s teachers.
Guru mengatakan bahwa masalah yang sebenarnya dalam pendidikan indonesia adalah rendahnya kualitas guru di negara itu.
This is because teachers, mainly those in elementary schools, rarely participate in training to update their skills and knowledge.
Hal ini dikarenakan para guru, terutama mereka yang berada di sekolah dasar, jarang mengikuti pelatihan untuk memperbaharui keterampilan dan pengetahuan mereka.
Retno Listiyanti of the Indonesian Teachers Union Federation ( FSGI ) said the government should schedule a longer preparation period before implementing curriculum 2013.
Retno Listiyanti dari Federasi Serikat Guru Indonesia ( FSGI ) mengatakan pemerintah harus menjadwalkan waktu persiapan yang lebih lama sebelum menerapkan kurikulum 2013.
Both England and Singapore, she said, spent three years in preparing, doing trial runs and evaluating their new curriculums before applying them.
Di Inggris dan Singapura, katanya, menghabiskan tiga tahun dalam mempersiapkan, melakukan percobaan berjalan dan mengevaluasi kurikulum terbaru mereka sebelum menerapkannya.
“I heard that the government plans to create 40.000 national instructors in a limited time period.
“Saya mendengar bahwa pemerintah berencana untuk menciptakan 40.000 instruktur nasional dalam periode waktu yang terbatas.
How can that be possible ?
Bagaimana mungkin bisa ?
Even UNICEF ( United Nations Children’s Fund ) spent five years creating 10.000 similar teachers in Indonesia,” she said.
Bahkan UNICEF ( United Nation Children’s Fund ) menghabiskan lima tahun untuk menciptakan 10.000 guru yang sama di Indonesia,” katanya.
Retno cited Education and Culture Ministry data that showed that 62 percent of elementary school teachers nationwide had not undertaken any training at all, including those teachers who were about to retire.
Retno dikutip data dari Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang menunjukkan bahwa 62 persen guru sekolah dasar negeri tidak dilakukan pelatihan sama sekali, termasuk para guru yang akan pension.
“By way of comparison, a teacher in Singapore is obliged to take 100 hours of training per year,” said Retno.
“Dengan cara perbandingan, seorang guru di Singapura wajib untuk mengambil 100 jam pelatihan per tahun,” kata Retno.
Amid such conditions, Retno, who is also a high school teacher in Jakarta, said that she considered the government’s plan to implement the new curriculum an impossible mission.
Di tengah kondisi seperti itu, Retno, yang juga guru SMA di Jakarta, mengatakan bahwa ia menganggap rencana pemerintah untuk menerapkan kurikulum baru merupakan rencana yang tidak mungkin.
“The new curriculum applies a ‘thematic and intergrated’ approach, which we already have in the current curriculum [ implemented in 2006 ].
“Kurikulum baru menerapkan pendekatan ‘Tematik dan Terintegrasi’ yang sudah kita miliki dalam kurikulum saat ini [ di terapkan pada tahun 2006 ].
The concept is not working in the country, especially in remote areas, because teachers there don’t have the skills or supporting materials to adopt such an approach,” she said, adding that the new curriculum would become yet another of the ministry’s paper tigers.
Konsep ini tidak bekerja di negara itu, terutama di daerah terpencil, karena guru di sana tidak memiliki keterampilan ataupun bahan pendukung untuk mengadopsi pendekatan semacam itu,” katanya, menambahkan bahwa kurikulum baru akan menjadi satu lagi dari macan kertas kementerian.
“The upcoming curriculum is going to be another document on the shelf, and it won’t be perfectly implemented across the country.”
“Kurikulum yang akan dating akan menjadi dokumen lain di rak, dan itu tidak akan sempurna di terapkan di seluruh negeri.”
Education and Culture Minister Mohammad Nuh said that around 49.000 teachers from 30 percent of the 148.000 elementary schools nationwide would be participating in a national training on how to implement the new curriculum, according to reports by Antara News Agency.
Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Mohammad Nuh mengatakan bahwa sekitar 49.000 guru, 30 persen dari 148.000 sekolah dasar negeri akan berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan nasional tentang bagaimana menerapkan kurikulum baru, menurut laporan kantor berita Antara.
The training, which will total 52 hours, comprises 33 hours of face-to-face sessions and 19 hours of mentoring sessions.
Pelatihan yang akan bertotal 52 jam, terdiri dari 33 jam sesi tatap muka dan 19 jam sesi mentoring.
Deputy Education and Culture Minister for Education Musliar Kasim said that his team had been working on producing teachers’ guidance books, which underwent a massive print run on March 17.
Wakil Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan untuk Pendidikan Musliar Kasim mengatakan bahwa timnya telah bekerja pada memproduksi buku pedoman guru, yang mengalami oplah besar-besaran pada 17 Maret.
Itje Chodidjah believes the government must be very careful in its selection of trainers, should it insist on implementing the new curriculum within the next four months.
Itje Chodidjah percaya pemerintah harus sangat berhati-hati dalam pemilihan pelatih, harus bersikeras menerapkan kurikulum baru dalam empat bulan ke depan.
“Let’s just say that the implementation is a done deal.
“Katakanlah bahwa penerapan adalah kesepakatan yang di lakukan.
The next important thing is for the government to select master trainers in this limited time,” she said.
Hal terpenting berikutnya adalah bagi pemerintah untuk memilih pelatih ahli dalam waktu yang terbatas ini,” katanya.
The government, said Itje, has to be certain that it can find highly qualified national instructors who really understand how to impart the new curriculum’s concept to the master trainers.
Pemerintah, kata Itje, harus yakin kalau mereka dapat menemukan instruktur nasional berkualitas tinggi yang benar-benar mengerti bagaimana untuk memberikan konsep kurikulum baru kepada pelatih ahli.
“Futhermore, the government must also ensure that the master trainers have the ability to swap concept language with functional language when they deliver the curriculum concept to teachers who have varying levels of ability,” she explained.
“Lagipula, pemerintah juga harus memastikan kalau pelatih ahli memiliki kemampuan untuk menukar bahasa konsep dengan bahasa fungsional ketika mereka memberikan konsep kurikulum bagi guru yang memiliki berbagai tingkat kemampuan,” jelas Itje.
Nama : Septiaji Fajar Rianto
Kelas : 3SA04
NPM : 16611682
Title : Implementation of Quality Education
Source : http://sciencebenefits.blogspot.com/2011/12/masalah-pendidikan-di-indonesia.html Retrieved on April 9th, 2014
Source : http://sciencebenefits.blogspot.com/2011/12/masalah-pendidikan-di-indonesia.html Retrieved on April 9th, 2014
Source Language Text
Target Language Text
Implementation of Quality Education
Penerapan Pendidikan yang Berkualitas
These words often appear to justify the high costs of attending any public education bench.
Pernyataan ini seringkali muncul menjelaskan tentang tingginya biaya pendidikan di masyarakat.
The high costs of education from kindergarten to higher education make the poor have no choice but do not attend school.
Tingginya biaya pendidikan mulai dari jenjang TK sampai ke sekolah lanjutan, membuat rakyat yang kurang mampu sulit untuk bersekolah.
Poor people should not be school.
Sehingga mereka memang lebih memilih untuk tidak bersekolah.
To entering kindergarten and elementary school alone now will cost Rp.500.000,- to Rp. 1.000.000,-.
Biaya yang di butuhkan untuk masuk TK dan sekolah dasar berkisar Rp.500.000,- sampai Rp.1.000.000,-.
There’s even picked up over $1 million.
Sehingga keuntungan yang bisa diraih hingga mencapai kurang lebih 1 juta dolar.
Sign junior/senior high school could reach USD 1 million to 5 million.
Untuk keuntungan di tingkat SMP dan SMA bahkan hingga mencapai 1 juta sampai 5 juta USD.
The more expensive cost of education today cannot be separated from government policies that implement Management Based School (MBS).
Mahalnya biaya pendidikan saat ini tidak dapat dilepaskan dari rancangan pemerintah membentuk sistem Management Based School (suatu badan yang di sebut komite sekolah yang berfungsi sebagai mengatur anggaran pedidikan yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah) (MBS).
MBS in Indonesia in reality is more understood as an effort to mobilize funds.
Pada kenyataanya MBS di Indonesia cenderung dianggap hanya sebuah usaha untuk mencari keuntungan.
Therefore, the school committee/ Board of Education which is an organ of the MBS has always required the element of entrepreneurs.
Karena komite sekolah/MBS dibentuk sebagai suatu badan yang bertujuan untuk mengelola anggaran pendidikan.
The assumption, entrepreneurs have access to broader capital.
Dari sinilah muncul anggapan bahwa badan tersebut dibentuk hanyalah untuk ajang berbisnis.
The result, after the school committee is formed, sometimes under the guise of all levy money, “according to school committee’s decision”.
Setelah komite sekolah terbentuk timbul pertanyaan tentang transparasi penggunaan anggaran pendidikan tersebut.
However, at the implementation level, it is not transparent, because it is elected to the board and committee members are the ones close to the principal.
Memang dalam prakteknya penggunaan anggaran pendidikan tersebut tidaklah terbuka terhadap masyarakat, karena hampir setiap anggotanya pun memiliki kepentingan pribadi.
As a result, only the school committee policy legitimator principal, and MBS was just a disclaimer legitimacy of the state to the problems of education of its people.
Sehingga, peraturan dan kebijakan yang dibentuk oleh komite sekolah/MBS dianggap hanya menambah permasalahan di dunia pendidikan.
This condition will be worse with the Draft Law on Education Legal Entity (BHP bill).
Kondisi ini mungkin akan lebih memprihatinkan lagi dengan adanya Draft Law on Education Legal Entity (BHP bill/ Badan Hukum Pendidikan/ rancangan undang-undang yang mengatur kebijakan penggunaan anggaran pendidikan oleh pemerintah).
Changing the status of education of the public property to the form of legal entity has clear economic and political consequences great.
Dengan adanya sebuah kebijakan baru tersebut maka muncul pertanyaan masyarakat mengenai pendidikan yang saat ini memang tidak bisa dilepas dari adanya kepentingan ekonomi dan politik didalamnya.
With the change of status, the government can easily throw its responsibility for the education of its citizens to the owners of legal entities that figure is not clear.
Dengan kebijakan tersebut, pemerintah memang dapat dengan mudah mengontrol setiap pergerakan yang dianggap meresahkan.
State university was transformed into State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN).
Kini hampir setiap perguruan tinggi menerapkan sistem State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN/ Badan Hukum Milik Negara).
The emergence BHMN and MBS are a few examples of the controversial education policy.
Badan darurat BHMN dan MBS adalah beberapa contoh kebijakan yang kontroversial yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dalam dunia pendidikan.
BHMN own impact on the soaring costs of education in some universities favorites.
Oleh karena itu BHMN hanya dianggap memberikan pengaruh terhadap perubahan biaya pendidikan yang terasa semakin meningkat terutama pada beberapa universitas unggulan.
Name : Vita Laras Selly
NPM : 19611376
Class : 3 Sa 04
Title : Keeping Hopes High for Better Education in Indonesia
Source : http://blogs.wsj.com/searealtime/2013/10/09/keeping-hopes-high-for-better-education-in-indonesia/
The right to education has been enshrined in the preamble of Indonesia’s constitution, obliging the government to provide good quality education for its citizens.
Hak atas pendidikan telah diabadikan dalam pembukaan konstitusi Indonesia, mewajibkan pemerintah untuk menyediakan pendidikan berkualitas bagi warganya .
The provision comes second, following only the mandate to create prosperity for all and joining the global effort to create world peace.
Ketentuan kedua yang datang, hanya mandat untuk menciptakan kemakmuran bagi semua warga dan bergabung dengan upaya global untuk menciptakan perdamaian dunia.
Such is the importance of education in the country.
Itulah pentingnya pendidikan di negara ini.
But rarely, if at all, is there debate about substantive issues regarding education, such as eradicating corruption, improving the quality of teachers and their pay, and on implementing a better accreditation system.
Tapi aneh, jika sama sekali, ada perdebatan tentang isu-isu substantif tentang pendidikan, seperti pemberantasan korupsi, peningkatan kualitas dan gaji guru, dan pada pelaksanaan sistem akreditasi yang lebih baik.
The debates that do take place mostly concern basic issues which should have been settled two or three decades ago, such as whether students need a centralized final exam or whether they need to be taught science and math in elementary school.
Perdebatan yang terjadi sebagian besar menyangkut isu-isu dasar yang seharusnya diselesaikan dua atau tiga dekade yang lalu, seperti apakah siswa perlu ujian akhir yang terpusat atau apakah mereka perlu diajarkan ilmu pengetahuan dan matematika di sekolah dasar.
It appears that policy makers in the education sector have always got their priorities wrong.
Tampaknya para pembuat kebijakan di sektor pendidikan selalu mendapat prioritas yang salah.
But then again, priorities are not something that the country’s bureaucracy is good at setting.
Tapi sekali lagi, prioritasnya adalah bukan sesuatu yang pengaturan birokrasi negaranya baik.
It was only recently that the government decided to increase the budget for education, with a 7.5% increase pledged by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for next year.
Baru-baru ini pemerintah memutuskan untuk meningkatkan anggaran pendidikan, dengan peningkatan 7,5 % yang dijanjikan oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk tahun depan.
Even after an increase is made, education has to compete with other sectors in getting more budget.
Bahkan setelah kenaikan dibuat, pendidikan harus bersaing dengan sektor-sektor lain dalam mendapatkan anggaran lebih.
The Defense and Public Works ministries get a bigger share, with Education coming third.
Pertahanan dan Pekerjaan Umum kementerian mendapatkan bagian yang lebih besar, dengan Pendidikan datang ketiga.
Living up to its reputation as the largest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia spends a large amount on religious education on nearly 4,000 state Islamic education institutions across the archipelago.
Bertahan dengan reputasinya sebagai negara muslim terbesar di dunia, Indonesia menghabiskan sejumlah besar pada pendidikan agama di hampir 4.000 lembaga negara pendidikan Islam di seluruh nusantara.
The government allocation for religious education in 2012 was 31.5 trillion rupiah ($2.74 billion) for the Islamic Education division at the Religious Affairs Ministry—of the total 41.7 trillion rupiah ($3.62 billion dollars) budget for the ministry—while it allocated 66 trillion rupiah ($5.74 billion) in budget for the Education and Culture Ministry.
Alokasi pemerintah untuk pendidikan agama pada tahun 2012 adalah 31,5 triliun rupiah ($ 2,74 billion) untuk divisi Pendidikan Islam di Kementerian Agama-dari total 41,7 triliun rupiah ($ 3.62 billion dollars) anggaran untuk kementerian - sementara itu dialokasikan 66 triliun rupiah ($ 5.74 billion) dalam anggaran untuk Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Mr. Yudhoyono may have promised to increase spending for education, but with corruption remaining endemic in the country, the promise of quality education for all rings hollow to many of the poor who rely on government for their schooling.
Mr. Yudhoyono mungkin telah berjanji untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran untuk pendidikan, tapi korupsi tetap endemik di negara ini, janji dari pendidikan yang berkualitas untuk semua masyarakat miskin yang banyak bergantung pada pemerintah untuk sekolah mereka.
Education remains the most corrupt sector in the country.
Pendidikan tetap sektor yang paling korup di negeri ini.
Indonesia Corruption Watch found that in 2011, the education sector contributed the most cases of graft.
Pengamat Kasus Korupsi Indonesia / KPK menemukan bahwa pada tahun 2011, sektor pendidikan memberikan kontribusi sebagian besar kasus korupsi.
Of 436 cases handled by law enforcers, 12.4 percent, or 54 cases, were associated with corruption in the education sector.
Dari 436 kasus yang ditangani oleh penegak hukum, 12,4 persen, atau 54 kasus, dikaitkan dengan korupsi di sektor pendidikan.
From the survey, the anti-graft watchdog found that corruption worsened as the government spent more for education.
Dari survei, pengawas anti-korupsi menemukan bahwa korupsi memburuk karena pemerintah menghabiskan lebih untuk pendidikan.
The more spent, the more stolen.
Semakin banyak yang dihabiskan, semakin banyak yang dicuri.
The saddest thing about corruption is that often the money stolen is allocated for the poor, such as budget earmarks for the school operational assistance fund and the social aid fund meant for construction of school buildings in the country’s poor and far-flung regions.
Hal yang paling menyedihkan tentang korupsi adalah yang seharusnya dialokasikan untuk masyarakat miskin, seperti anggaran yang diperuntukkan untuk dana bantuan operasional sekolah dan dana bantuan sosial yang dimaksudkan untuk pembangunan gedung sekolah di daerah miskin dan yang jauh di pedalaman.
The rich can vote with their feet.
Orang kaya bisa memberikan suara dengan kaki mereka.
Children from affluent families can go to private or international-standard schools and get a quality education on par with what their peers could enjoy in Singapore or Shanghai.
Anak-anak dari keluarga kaya bisa pergi ke sekolah swasta atau berstandar internasional dan mendapatkan pendidikan yang berkualitas setara dengan apa yang rekan-rekan mereka nikmati di Singapura atau di Shanghai.
Children from poor families have nowhere else to go.
Anak-anak dari keluarga miskin tidak punya tempat lain untuk pergi.
Most of the time, children from poor families have to travel for miles only to find out that the roof of their school building has collapsed, that their math teachers fail to come to class due to having to work a second job, or that the question sheets for their final exam are stuck somewhere in an airport hangar due to possible graft and incompetence at the local education office.
Sebagian besar waktu, anak-anak dari keluarga miskin harus melakukan perjalanan bermil-mil hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa atap bangunan sekolah mereka telah runtuh, bahwa guru matematika mereka gagal untuk datang ke kelas karena harus mengerjakan pekerjaan lain, atau bahwa pertanyaan lembar untuk ujian akhir mereka terjebak di suatu tempat di hanggar bandara karena ada kemungkinan korupsi dan ketidakmampuan di dinas pendidikan setempat.
It is very unfortunate that the problems plaguing the education system are emerging right when Indonesia is expected to reap the benefits of the demographic dividend.
Hal ini sangat disayangkan bahwa masalah yang muncul mengganggu sistem pendidikan tepat ketika Indonesia diperkirakan akan menuai keuntungan dari bonus demografi.
With nearly 60 percent of its population now under the age of 40, Indonesia has one of the youngest demographic profiles in the world.
Dengan hampir 60 persen penduduknya sekarang di bawah usia 40, Indonesia memiliki salah satu profil demografis termuda di dunia.
With the youth bulge, Indonesia has the potential to rise above its current developing-nation status and become a challenging nation.
Dengan pemuda yang menonjol, Indonesia memiliki potensi untuk naik di atas statusnya yang saati ini sebagai bangsa yang berkembang dan menjadi bangsa yang menantang.
But with the army of uneducated and poorly educated youth making up the largest part of the bulge, Indonesia has instead a bomb waiting to explode when economic growth fails to generate enough jobs.
Tetapi dengan tentara muda berpendidikan dan kurang berpendidikan yang membentuk bagian terbesar dari tonjolan, Indonesia memiliki bom yang menunggu untuk meledak ketika pertumbuhan ekonomi gagal untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja yang cukup.
Not all hope is lost.
Tidak semua harapan hilang.
When the government falls short in performing its duty, the community picks up the slack.
Ketika pemerintah terpuruk dalam menjalankan tugasnya, masyarakat menjadi mengacuhkan.
Indonesia, after all, is a country known for its gotongroyong ethics, the equivalent of American civic culture.
Indonesia, setelah semua ini, adalah negara yang terkenal dengan etika gotongroyong, yang setara dengan budaya sipil Amerika.
Many in the community start their own initiatives, getting their hands dirty by training young educators to be sent to some of the country’s remotest areas.
Banyak masyarakat memulai inisiatif mereka sendiri, mendapatkan tangan mereka kotor dengan melatih pendidik muda untuk dikirim ke beberapa daerah terpencil di negara itu.
Others start an alternative form of schooling that does away with the government-sponsored curriculum by bringing students closer to nature.
Lainnya mulai bentuk alternatif sekolah yang tidak jauh dengan kurikulum yang disponsori pemerintah dengan membawa siswa lebih dekat dengan alam.
Believing that the current curriculum does not teach enough science and math, some educators set up schools that train the country’s future best scientists.
Percaya bahwa kurikulum saat ini tidak mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan alam dan matematika yang cukup, beberapa pendidik mendirikan sekolah-sekolah yang melatih para ilmuwan terbaik masa depan negara.
Many others have tapped into the immense power of the Internet and social media.
Banyak orang lain telah menyadap kekuatan besar dari Internet dan media sosial.
Earlier this year, a website was set up to hear complaints about which school buildings need repairs or where funds have allegedly been stolen.
Awal tahun ini, sebuah situs web didirikan untuk mendengar keluhan tentang gedung sekolah yang perlu perbaikan atau dimana dana diduga telah dicuri.
Some tech-savvy initiators, armed only with Twitter and Facebook, have mobilized volunteers to set up classes around the country to teach students about things that their underpaid teachers don’t.
Beberapa inisiator tech-savvy, hanya dipersenjatai dengan Twitter dan Facebook, telah memobilisasi relawan untuk mendirikan kelas di seluruh negeri untuk mengajarkan siswa tentang hal-hal yang tidak diajarkan oleh guru mereka yang dibayar kurang.
In a place where people are used to broken promises, that looks like a beacon of hope.
Di tempat di mana orang-orang yang digunakan untuk merusak janji-janji, yang terlihat seperti sebuah mercusuar harapan.
Anies Baswedan is president of Paramadina University and an education reformer.
Anies Baswedan adalah presiden Universitas Paramadina dan pembaharu pendidikan.
He regularly writes about public policy, Islam and politics.
Dia rutin menulis tentang kebijakan publik, Islam dan politik.
Mr. Baswedan created a program called Teaching Indonesia that recruits and trains young Indonesians to work as teachers in remote, impoverished provinces across the country’s more than 17,000 islands.
Mr. Baswedan menciptakan sebuah program yang disebut Pengajaran Indonesia yang merekrut dan melatih pemuda Indonesia untuk bekerja sebagai guru di daerah terpencil, di provinsi miskin di seluruh negara lebih dari 17.000 pulau.
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