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Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Riyadh, A Young Millionaire

        In spite of his young age, Riyadh Ramadhan has the courage to start business. At the age of 19 years, Riyadh has fried business in Surabaya with hundreds of millions turnover per month. This business started from 2009, when he was 16th years old. At the time, he just in senior high school. Owing to his young age, he was named the youngest entrepreneur version of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises.

        Riyadh starts a business by autodidact. The Beginning of It All is from his hobby. One day, his instinc rises after he looked business opportunities fried. “I see a lot of people who sold fried in Surabaya, and I think to make by myself,” Riyadh says.
his has strong determination having a business in his young age. Because of his strong determination, he never  ashamed to peddle fried foods at school. His classmates are first consumers, and he sells his fried foods at rest time. Riyadh always becomes the subject of mockery from his friends, more and more friends who mocked him as a fried sellers. 

        Actually, he was embarrassed and want to retreated from its business. But he positive thinking that what he do was rights. For a year peddling fried foods at school, she began to think to develop his business. Until one day Riyadh found the idea to open a cafe in the mall. Riyadh gave the name of the cafe is Go Crunz(gorengan crunchi), which is still a label business. At the cafe, he provides a menu fried foods, such as potatoes, mushrooms, chicken, and another. Except fried, it also provides a great selection of drinks. "In total there are nine menu fried," Riyadh says.

        Fried was priced at Rp 6,000-Rp 9,000 per box. Each box contains four to five fried. Apparently, much like the homemade fried Riyadh. Then he opened two more outlets with the booth concept. From the three outlets, total turnover earned Rp 120 million per month, with a profit of about 40 per cent of turnover. Because of the positive market response, since 2010, the official Riyadh offers business partnership. Currently, the number of stores had 12 outlets. And details are, three self-owned and the rest owned by partners. It was his business partner in several cities, such as Jakarta, Bekasi, Malang, to Balikpapan.
       Despite the increasingly expanding business, do not make a quick Riyadh satisfied. He said that he need to keep learning in order to the growing business. He also keeps a dream that Go Crunz brand in the next few years could go international as Baba Rafi Kebab as Hendy Setiono owned. He called Hendy as a reliable mentor and has inspired him.


Name : Lia Nur Islami
NPM  : 14611093
Class  : 2sa04